Foot Specialist Austin TX Laser Therapy uses specific wavelengths of light with a potent anti-inflammatory, anti-edema effect on tissues exposed to the laser. Painful conditions accompanied by swelling or inflammation benefit from this technology.

MLS laser therapy is a painless, noninvasive, and drug-less way to help patients recover from painful injuries. MLS Laser therapy is an effective alternative to other treatments, especially when the patient is in too much pain to tolerate other traditional treatment methods following damage caused by accident, stress, or physical activities.

While each person and condition varies, almost 90% of patients receive a significant amount of relief from their pain and inflammation when they go through a series of MLS Laser Therapy. Call today for more information and to schedule a consultation. (512) 450-0101


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North Location:

Austin Foot & Ankle Center
9012 Research Blvd, #C-13
Austin, Texas, 78757
(512) 450-0101


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More info on Austin Foot Specialist (512) 450-0101 MLS Laser Therapy