Smarter Sorting is an Austin, TX based startup that has created the Product Genome™ for consumer products, becoming the first company to truly understand what a product is, and what that means for each product’s life cycle. Datasets that fuse “coded regulations” with canonicalized, granular product attributes including a product’s full chemical components, physical state, and effect on animals and the environment are the foundation of each Product’s Genome and our Universal Product Database. Taken together, the data and the database permit regulatory classifications, product data management, and supply chain communication to be consolidated into a single platform, creating significant savings for their partners. Smarter Sorting’s mission is to enable retailers, consumers and waste management companies to manufacturer and manage every product in the most sustainable manner possible, creating a data-driven future where waste is minimized while product quality and safety are maximized.

More info on This Technology Knows How to Safely Recycle Any Product | Smarter Sorting