The Texas Republicans’ so-called voter integrity bill is expected to be reintroduced in next week’s special session. Democrats claim the bill suppresses the minority vote. In fact, this issue recently led Democrats to walk out of the state capitol, and by doing so, they were able to kill that bill on the last day of the regular session. State Representative Nicole Collier, who is from Fort Worth and represents parts of Tarrant County, says it’s too early to tell if Democrats will use the nuclear option again.

As we continue discussing the Special Session. We go back to Austin to talk with Matt Mackowiak–a Republican political consultant. And he’s president of Potomac Strategy Group. Mackowiak is familiar with special sessions. He provides more insight about how they work and what the issues are this time around.

Texas didn’t get very close to President Biden’s challenge to have 70% of the population vaccinated by July 4. So where does the state from here—with the vaccination rate—and the politics that surrounds it? Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins explains where things stand and what needs to happen to increase vaccination rates in Texas.

More info on Inside Texas Politics: Previewing the Texas legislative special session