Hit and Run Car Accident Injuries https://reydiaz.law/austin-car-accident-lawyers/

When you think of a hit-and-run accident you probably imagine a car speeding though a red light, hitting a pedestrian and taking off. Which you are 100% correct but the true definition of a hit and run accident is leaving the scene of an accident where there is any type of injury to a person, whether the injured person is a pedestrian or an occupant of a vehicle.

Unfortunately these types of accidents can be quite serve, in some cases resulting in the death. In most cases a hit and run occurs at night by a drunk driver trying to avoid charges. Most victims are left with injuries, hospital bills, auto repair cost, and no one to seek compensation from. That’s why getting legal representation is just as important as seeking medical attention if you have been the victim of a hit and run accident. A hit and run lawyer will work to find the person responsible for your injuries and fight to get you the compensation for their negligence.


Reynaldo L. Diaz, Jr. PC, Injury Attorney
6300 La Calma Dr #188
Austin, Texas, 78752
(512) 448-1000


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