Rear-end collisions are unfortunately very common and happen daily. A rear-end collision occurs when a car crashes into the car in front of it. Usually these types of accidents occur because of distracted driving, tailgating, or speeding.

The most common injury a person can get from a rear-end collision is whiplash, which is considered a minor injury but more sever injuries have occurred. Back injuries, spinal cord paralysis, even head an brain injuries can be a result of a rear-end collision. If you or someone you know has been rear-ended it is important to seek medical attention immediately even if you are not feeling any pain at the moment. Some injuries can take hours even days before you start feeling the full extent of those injuries. Your health is the most important thing and if you were not at fault and plan to seek compensation from the negligent driver, having your injuries evaluated will help your case.


Reynaldo L. Diaz, Jr. PC, Injury Attorney
6300 La Calma Dr #188
Austin, Texas, 78752
(512) 448-1000


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