In this Majority Report clip, we discuss a widely unreported story coming from Austin, Texas where three separate incidents of bombing occurred, with all of the victims being minorities.

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—Investigators in Austin searched Tuesday for answers behind the string of explosive packages that detonated recently at homes around the city, describing the devices as sophisticated while struggling to identify who had sent them out or why.

Authorities have looked at connections between the victims themselves as they investigate the three explosions at three homes, which have killed two people and seriously injured two others. While the two people killed in the bombings had connections — both were related to prominent members of the city’s black community and they have family members who are close — a third victim with no apparent ties to them was injured by a package addressed to someone else, according to people familiar with the investigation.

The mystery unnerved Austin, prompting scores of residents to call 911 after seeing potentially suspicious packages, unsettling the city at a time when it is deluged by visitors for the South by Southwest Festival.—

More info on Someone Is Sending Bombs To Minorities In Austin, Texas